About us

The Cinema Organ Society was formed in 1953 by organist Hubert Selby and enthusiast Tony Moss. In the early years members would meet in cinemas up and down the country for live music events, but with organs in Cinemas being removed the Society ended up buying three to ensure that the sound of the Cinema Organ would continue. Alongside its own instruments, members of the Society have helped to save, restore and install other instruments up and down the country.

Becoming a member of the Cinema Organ Society will mean you will help keep the sounds of the Cinema Organ continue for future generations

What the COS is about

Live music events at our organ venues featuring world class artists playing a range of music you will know and love no matter what your tastes.

Four publications a year keeping you in the loop with information and articles for all aspects of Cinema Organ.

An extensive archive full of photos, audio and documents has been amassed over many years and is accessible to members to look at in the flesh and online.

We are a society and many friendships have been made through our common interest. Everyone is made welcome at every event and we always encourage new faces.

Workshops and tuition on the playing and maintenance of the instruments is provided by a number of experts both formally and informally.

The Districts

Although not part of the Society, Scotland has it’s own group

The Team


Micahel Carter
Simon Field
Simon Gledhill
Nigel Laflin

John Leeming
David Lowe
Steve Nicholson
Robert Pearsall
Malcolm Phillips

Dave Schuster
Richard Stephenson
David Warner
Gordon Whitehouse


PresidentJohn Mann
Vice PresidentJohn Leeming
General SecretaryMalcolm Phillips
ChairmanSimon Field
TreasurerSteve Nicholson
Midlands & Wales District SecretaryMichael Carter
Northern District SecretaryRichard Stephenson
Southern District SecretarySimon Gledhill
Membership SecretaryDavid Shepherd
Journal EditorMichael Carter
WebmasterDave Schuster
Media Co-ordinatorPosition Vacant
Technical OfficerRobert Balfour-Rowley
Musical AdvisorRichard Hills FRCO
Safeguarding OfficerJohn Abson
Sales OfficerSimon Field
PublicityPosition Vacant
General ArchivistNigel Laflin
Recordings OfficerRichard Stephenson